by Maruyama Yoshiko / Site arranged by Habane
"ホシノキセキ" by -WindSphere-



【2021/3/10】 羽化 – 世界が変わるかもしれない

(English follows) 明日は東日本大震災から10年目の春、3月11日だ。

 この震災の衝撃ほど、私の人生観に影響を及ぼしたものはない。このときを境にして、私の作品のどれにも、このできごとへの感慨が通奏低音として響いている。それを抜きにして表現できなかった。 私の作品のそれぞれに刻まれた、あのときの心痛や、年月を経て変化していく自分の意識に向かい、この10年を振り返ってみたい。

Tomorrow is the memorial day of the 10th year since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Nothing has influenced my outlook on life as much as the impact of this. From this time onward, all of my works have a feeling of this disaster as a basso continuo. I couldn't express without it. I would like to look back on the past 10 years, facing the heartache at that time and my consciousness that changes over the years, which are engraved in each of my works.



作品 Work:4 /

「羽化 – 世界が変わるかもしれない」

 青虫が蝶に変わるサナギの時期、その体内では何が起こっているだろうか? サナギの体内では、不要な細胞の死と新たな細胞の生成が同時に行われ、ドロドロになっているらしいのだ。



[Eclosion – The World Might Change] What occurs inside a green caterpillar during its pupal stage of changing into a butterfly? It is said that the inside of the pupa turns into a soupy liquid, while it simultaneously undergoes the death of unnecessary cells and the creation of new cells. The pupa becomes unresponsive as if it were dead, and then is reborn via the great transition within the body. I superimposed that transitional state with human beings who have striven to change in the aftermath of the great earthquake and nuclear accidents that occurred in Japan in 2011. The time of eclosion will come for us. For like butterflies that spread their wings, we endeavor to live with the volition to recover on our own. We strive toward finding our own respective paths in life, while also trying to change the world with our own imaginative powers.


ワイヤ 紙 他 / wire, paper, etc.
W.290 x D.300 x H.310cm
Marija and Jurgis Slapeliai House-Museum/Vilnius, Lithuania
[VIRSMAS : 2 solo exhibitions of Maruyama Yoshiko, Maruyama Tokio]
Thanks to Saulius Valius and Diana Radaviciute for organizing, and the House-Museum

村藤店蔵/喜多方市、福島 [精神の〈北〉へ vol.5]
Murato Mise-gura /Kitakata, Fukushima
[Spirit of "North" vol.5] http://maruyamayoshiko.com/artwork/2015/eclosion1511/





Photo by Maruyama Tokio

ギャラリー・オフグリッド/福島市 [精神の〈北〉へ vol.8]
Gallery Off Grid / Fukushima, [Spirit of “North” vol.8]

葉羽 このシリーズはまだ続きます。

<<2021.3.23 Release by Habane>>

 Copyright(C) MARUYAMAYOSHIKO & HABANE.All Right Reserved.