【2024.10.17】 焼きリンゴ作り
Making baked Apple. Yummy!
【2024.10.27】 わかさぎ釣り3回目
Smelt fishing on kayak for the third time. It was good and I caught 144 fish. The bait is mosquito larvae. In Japan, the autumn leaves have begun to change colors, and it is very enjoyable to fish while taking in the beautiful scenery. And today I discovered a new way to fish. I want to call it “smelt trolling” or “smeltrolling” for short. Pulling rigs at low speed with the kayak, I caught two or more fish quite often. It was very interesting.
《掲載:2024.10.31》by Fuji
葉羽 赤色のエサ、なんかブキミだなぁ(笑) |