by Maruyama Yoshiko / Site arranged by Habane
"ホシノキセキ" by -WindSphere-

(丸山芳子)東京都美術館で開催する#精神の北へ #SpiritofNorth Vol.7の紹介です。


【2017/6/2】 #精神の北へ #SpiritofNorth Vol.7 かすかな共振をとらえて Sensing Faint Resonances

 眼に見えない聖なるものを畏敬し、森羅万象を分け隔てな く尊重し、動物や森や宇宙とも融和する精神が、東北の人 々に伝承されています。それはアイヌ民族や世界の北方民 族、さらには地域に限らず人々の内にあり、私たちはそれ を「北方的精神」と呼んでみます。東北や福島での活動を 経験したアーティストたちは、自らの内にその精神を探り ます。作品同士に民族やジャンルや地域の差異を越えた共 振が生まれ、東北や北欧の森のように観客を包むとき、そ れは不寛容が強まる現代社会に対する変革の試みとなるでしょう。

■展覧会 精神の〈北〉へ - かすかな共振をとらえて - (第6回都美セレクション)
会期:2017年6月9日~18日 9:30-17:3 0(金曜日は20:00まで)
会場:東京都美術館 ギャラリーA(東京都台東区上野公 園8-36) 


アマンダ・ビルバリ Amanda Billberg/ダンス(スウェーデン)
ヴィグディス・ハウグトゥロ Vigdis Hougtrø/絵画(ノルウェイ)
ヘレナ・ユンティラ Helena Junttila/絵画(フィンランド)
石倉敏明 ISHIKURA Toshiaki/人類学
高島正志 TAKASHIMA Masashi/音楽
田附勝 TASTUKI Masaru/写真
千葉奈穂子 CHIBA Naoko/写真
丸山常生 MARUYAMA Tokio/インスタレーション・パフォーマンス
丸山芳子 MARUYAMA Yoshiko/インスタレーション・絵画

【講演】石倉敏明「東北に生きる造形思考」6/ 10(土)14:00~16:00 
【公演】アマンダ・ビルバリ(ダンス)と丸山常生(アー トパフォーマンス)による展示作品・音楽とのコラボレー ション 
part.1・・・6/ 11(日)14:00~15:30
part.2・・・6/ 16(金)17:30~19:00
part.3・・・6/ 17(土)14:00~15:30
【プロジェクト紹介・アーティストトーク】6/ 18(日)14:00~15:30

東京メトロ銀座線・日比谷線「上野駅」7番出口より徒歩 10分

■お問い合わせ:info@spirit-of-nor th.net
http:// spirit-of-north.net/


Spirit of “North:” Sensing Faint Resonances

The art project Spirit of ‘North' began in Fukushima prefecture in 2013, with the aim of assisting in the regeneration the Tohoku region through engagement with its culture. This whole area and society had been so badly damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. The rich spirit that inherently existed in the people of this region, as well as the buildings of the cities and towns, needed to be rediscovered and regenerated.

This project seeks to rediscover the spirit of the indigenous people of Tohoku. Through looking at the heritage of the region which might include such items as the ancients who were once called Emishi, the Deer Dance and the Dedication Pledge for the Chusonji temple of Hiraizumi city, or the views underlying the fairy stories of MIYAZAWA Kenji. Those represent the concepts such as “awe to the invisible holiness”, “equality to all existence in the universe” and “the primordial nature where humans coexist with animals, forests, and cosmos”.

This spirit of the North embraces all of these concepts which lie within the people of Tohoku, as well as Ainu and other northern people of the world, and furthermore in all people everywhere. 

In this project, each participant will seek their own respective spirit of the North and try to find the resonance in a global perspective. Artists and specialists in various domains will make exchanges and interactions with their knowledge and sensibilities to weave new Northern theories that surmount ethnic groups and fields of interest.

This year, Artists and researchers of Northern Europe and Japan undertake ongoing research and creative activities during their stay in Fukushima and Tokyo. They will create their work through perceiving the contrast between Tohoku and Tokyo, or Japan and Northern Europe relating to the locality and environment they are in, and by gaining deep understanding among the participants of the project as well as the people in the residency area. 

In the exhibition space, the expressions of their various genre will come together and the collaborative effect will arise spontaneously. By bringing together their different approaches, the audience will be lead to see this as a way of change for today’s society which is becoming more divided and intolerant.

■Group Show of Contemporary Artists 2017 / 
Spirit of “North:” Sensing Faint Resonances

exhibition: 9 – 18 June
venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Gallery A
(address: 8-36 Ueno-Park Taito-ku, Tokyo)

Amanda BILLBERG/ dance (Sweden)
Vigdis HAUGTRØ/ Installation, painting(Norway)
Helena JUNTTILA/ painting (Finland)
MARUYAMA Yoshiko/ Installation, painting
CHIBA Naoko/ photograph
MARUYAMA Tokio/ Installation, performance
TATSUKI Masaru/ photograph
TAKASHIMA Masashi/ Sound
ISHIKURA Toshiaki/ anthropology

-lecture: ISHIKURA Toshiaki -10, June,14:00~16:00

-Amanda BILLBERG (dance) and MARUYAMA Tokio (performance) collaborate with art and sound:
11, June, 14:00~15:30
16, June, 17:30~19:00
17 June, 14:00~15:30

-Introduction about the project and Artist talk: 18, June, 14:00~15:30

■more information:
http:// spirit-of-north.net/

葉羽 沢山の皆様方においでいただけるようお待ちしております。

<<2017.6.5 Release by Habane>>

 Copyright(C) MARUYAMAYOSHIKO & HABANE.All Right Reserved.